1998 Giga Pet Product Line
As Announced Feb 1998 |

Tiger Electronics just shared their 1998 Giga Pet virtual pet product line with us. They expect these virtual pets to all be on the market by October 1998. It looks like they have some very exciting pets coming out later in the year. We will be adding some photos and additional information as time permits.
The are dividing their product line into 3 segments: Giga Pets, Giga Pets Plus, and Giga Fighters.
Please DO NOT write us asking where or when specific pets will be available. We do not know when or where they will be available.

Giga Pets Plus
These nine units have several different pets you can interact with at once. In addition to the basic functions of food, tricks, play, discipline and bowel; sound effects, higher resolution displays, more play activities, more attractive housings, and night lights are being added. Giga Pets Plus have a suggested list price of $14.99.
- Looney Tunes - Looney Tunes characters Bugs, Daffy,. Taz, Yosemite Sam, Road Runner and Tweety can be adopted as virtual pets. Cameo appearances are made by Sylvester, Granny, Marvin the Martian, and Wile E. Coyote.
- Cabbage Patch - Raise a Cabbage Patch Kid. The kids go through several levels, beginning with a "preemie." You get a unique kid each time you play the game. Digitized speech includes crying and laughing.
- Circus - Raise four animals at time and train them into circus stars. The circus animals are: lions, tigers, dancing bears, show ponies, clown monkeys, trained seals and elephants.
- Giga Farm In addition to raising farm animals (horses, cows, sheep, pigs) you also have to raise crops. Animals eat corn, wheat and beans in the farm management game. Animal activities include: feeding, play, medicine, cleaning, and training. You can raise up to 4 animals/crops at one time.
- Giga Pound - Chose from eight different breeds (tiny Terriers to Great Danes) and care for up to four dogs at the same time. Each breed has its owns food, habits and training needs. Special codes (players have to figure out) will unlock hidden features.
- Seaquarium - Dolphins, whales, seals, sharks, manta rays and other aquatic creatures to raise and train. you can keep up to 4 different animals at once and trade from tank to tank to take care of them. The training mode allows you to put all the animals together in a show. When you are not playing, the animals swim around on the screen.
- Rug Rats - Based on the Rug Rats show, you play as Tommy, Chuckie, ANgelica or Spike in your quest to finish Forest Ranger training exercises. They need: food, sleep, play, and lots of attention. Cameo appearances by Reptar, Phil, Lil, Susie, and Grandpa.
- Bug's Life - Based on Disney's upcoming film, A Bug's Life. Take care of Flick, Princess Dot, Princes Atta and Hopper. Feed them, make sure they get plenty of rest, play games and take them to the doctor. Along with the ants and grasshoppers, you can unlock and train two extra Giga Pets from the Flea Circus.
- Small Soldiers - Prepare Commandos and Gorgonites for battle including Commando leader Chip Hazard and Gorgonite leader Archer. Each toy soldier must perfect his own training techniques for battle. Each has its own needs and things it likes to do.

Giga Fighters
The fighter designs allow you to raise and train a pet, then connect it with another to fight. Features include: linking ports, high resolution screens and 10 to 12 seconds of sound effects. Each pet will have six different characters to choose from, interacting with three characters at a time.
These pets will be able to link to a PC via a Tiger Link that will allow owners on to the http://www.gigapets.com website to unlock and download hidden characters and features for added play. You can also upload scores to see how your fighter compares with others.
Giga Fighters have a suggested list price of $17.99.
- Super Fighters - Step into this "digital dojo" and train your Super Fighter. You specify the diet, the training regimen, the medicine and discipline of your fighter. Chose different workouts to improve your strength, agility, or will power.
As he develops his fighting style and physical appearance will change from scrawny newcomer to muscle-bound brawler, to lithe kick boxer, or even a ninja. Spar against the computer or link to other players to fight. Win fights to get even stronger.
- Men in Black - Play as Jay, Kay or one of the aliens. Train your agent to do battle against invading aliens or enemy operatives. Special diets and top secret training prepare you to spar against computer-controlled opponents, but the real battles come from interactive linking with other players MIB operatives.
- Batman and Robin - Defend the causes of good or chose Poison Ivy, Bane or Mr. Freeze and try to rule Gotham CIty. Train your hero or villain, then play against a computer sparring partner or linkup with another pet for an interactive duel.
- Mortal Kombat - heroes and villains from the Mortal Kombat games. Train your fighter at all levels: what to eat, when to sleep and how to fight. Improve your strength, agility and willpower to defeat your enemies. Mortal Kombat sound effects. Liu Kang, Sonya, and six more fighters to chose from.
- Lost World - You are the game warden of Jurassic park. Keep the animals in peak health. Peaceful herbivores like Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Pachycephalsaurus are in danger of being eaten by raging meat eaters: Compys, Velociraptors, and T-Rex. Care for up to four dinosaurs at one time. Dangerous computer enemies or challenges from other players can put your dinos in a fight against extinction.
- Alien vs. Predator Play as an alien, predator, or a space marine in a battle for the survival of your species. Unique foods, training exercises and combat techniques are available to each combatant. Train your fighter in hand-to-hand, ranged combat, or stealth. Special codes unlock hidden features of the multiple characters and fighting styles.
- Mutoids - Enter the subterranean world of the Mutoids, a forgotten race trapped underground by and ancient evil. In this adventure/fighting game you collect and create a group of Mutoid warriors who grow based on the food they eat, the amount of combat they face, and the items they find. Use magic or physical strength to attack and defeat enemies. Practice combat in the coliseum or fight your way to the source of the Mutoid entombment.
- WCW - World Championship Wrestling contains seven wrestlers: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, Lex Lugar and Sting. Moves include: body slams, clotheslines, and powerbombs.
- Hercules and Xena - Chose from popular characters based on the TV show. Pit your characters against the evil Cyclops or a bloodthirsty hydras to gain health, strength, or heroism. Once your fighter is ready, take up the sword, staff, or club and enter the arena for combat. Visit the Temple to ask for a favor from the Gods, but be careful which God you get.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - pizza craving heroes with a new female turtle named Venus. Train your fighter in various fighting techniques, then challenge another player in head to head combat. The six main fighters are: Splinter, Venus, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael and Leonardo. Dragon Lord and Shredder are hidden fighters that you can either train of fight against.
- Marvel - Six tough comic strip mutants include: Spider Man, Woverine, Venom, Sabertooth, Magneto and the Incredible Hulk. Play as your favorite super hero and control all their superpowers.

Giga Pets
These are the traditional Giga Pets. Most of them have already been released, but there are still a few new pets in this category. They have suggested list price of $9.99.
- 101 Dalmatians - Based on the Disney movie. You are given the chance to adopt one of 101 different puppies, with unique and distinctive markings, personalities and needs. The puppies never "die.".
- Little Mermaid - The little mermaid Ariel from the Disney movie. You keep her healthy with sea-biscuit snacks and parties with her friends, Flounder and Sebastian, discovering trinkets on the ocean floor, or brushing her hair. She never grows old or dies.
- Salem the Cat - Sabrina the Teenage Witch - Salem (Sabrina's cat) has the normal functions, but he also cat eats ice cream sundaes, talks on the phone, and drives a car.
- Star Wars Yoda - Yoda is your personal Jedi Trainer. You take care of Yoda to prove your dedication, but you must also excel in3 different Jedi training activities (sense, control, and alter the flow of the force.) When you are not training, Yoda offers "words of wisdom. Use the "Fortune Teller" function to ask Yoda specific questions and receive guidance. You can become a Jedi, Jedi Knight, or Jedi Master.
- Star Wars R2D2 - The droid from Star Wars. You can play technical wizard, program and repair R2D2 to keep him in tip-top shape. Functions include regular maintenance, recharges, oil baths, memory upgrades, and discipline. You can program him to do your bidding, upgrade his memory to improve his performance, and teach him to overcome dangerous obstacles.
- Star Wars Rancor - The fiercest beast in the whole galaxy. With regular feedings he grows up to be big, strong, and nasty. Drop a hapless alien into the Rancor pit and Rancor chases it down and stuffs it in his mouth. Play with Rancor by dropping in armed guards and letting them fight it out. If he gets sick you can send him to the doctor. He eats Gamorrean guards and dancing girls. Fighting for survival is his "play" activity. You feed, train, bathe, and clean up enormous piles of dropping when you take care of Rancor.
- Giga Faces - Use the Giga Faces pet to make up interesting characters with different facial features (eyes, hair, nose, mouth, ears.) Once you put a face together, it becomes alive and you take care of it with different grooming activities.
- Komputer Koala - This Koala bear stays healthy on a diet of milk and eucalyptus leaves. He climbs trees, walks, rolls and jiggles. This pet makes actual Koala sounds.
- Floppy Frog - It makes a startling transformation between the baby and adult stage. You start with a tadpole, but with a balanced diet of algae and flies, he grows in to an adult frog. Each lifestage has its unique diet, play activities, and animations. The tadpole has a swimming and water leaping game, the frog has a jumping and fly-catching game. Floppy Frog actually "ribbets."
- Babe - After Babe the pig in the movie. You help him grow up and become a champion sheep herder. Play catch with Ferdinand, jump in mud puddles and herd sheep. His friends make cameo appearances in the game. Babe actually "oinks."
- Barbie Cat and Dog - With the distinctive Barbie look and feel (read pink) these kitties and puppies appeal to Barbie fans.
- Tweety - Try to keep Tweety safe inside his bird cage and out of reach of Sylvester. If you do not feed him and play with him, he will fly away.
- Reptar - The number 1 hero of the Rugrats on Nickelodian. The lizard Reptar can do almost anything with a little help from you and the Rugrats. Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica are also here. Help Reptar eat, sleep, play and destroy hundreds of buildings.
- Fairy - Help the Fairy practice her magic. Turn from a caterpillar into a butterfly, make a flower bloom, grow a tree from a seed, transform into a bird. Help the Fairy grow strong and beautiful by cleaning, feeding, and playing with it.
- Taz - The Tasmanian Devil with an explosive personality. He has a huge appetite. You have to feed him, play with him, and give him a hot bath. After a bath, he likes to eat the tub.
- Oreo - A little mouse that loves Oreo cookies. Help him grow up by stacking cookies and running on his mouse wheel.
- Elmo - This Sesame Street character is joined by Big Bird, Oscar the Grouch, Snuffy and others. Feed him, clean him, play with him, and help him grow.

As long as Tiger was going to give us such a great list of their upcoming pets, we thought we might round it out with the earlier Giga Pets so this document could be a "full list" of giga pets.

We have also been hearing of a new item from Tiger called a"'furby". Below is what one
lady sent us:
In my local paper today there was a picture of a small furry toy called
"furby" created by tiger electronics that was introduced at the
98 international toy fair this past Sat.
According to a synopsis of their exhibit:
"If you were intrigued by Giga Pets, you'll want to meet Furby, our
special new friend. Furby is the first fully interactive 3-dimensional
pet. He speaks his own language and even learns to speak English. Furby
interacts with you like a real pet and interacts with other Furbies,
too. He responds to sound, touch and light. Furby will be tops on
every kid's list in 98!"
In the Toy Fair coverage I saw a product called an E-Bear that looked
like a small teddy bear with a talking nano sewn in as its face. You touched the
bear in various places to run the pet. I think it may be similar to "furby".
Looks like we are in for an exciting year!!

This page was constructed 20 February 1998
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