GigaPet Giga FriendsBabe, Sabrina's Cat "Salem", |
'Friends" were released in late 1997 and many children received them for Christmas. Currently the literature for all the "friends' says for ages 5 and up. The pets are currently available in TV and movie characters including several Star Wars pets.
Rancor, most fearsome beast in the galaxy in trouble? January 16, 1997 our local TV station, KWTV channel 9 Oklahoma City ran a story of a mother complaining about the instructions and display of Rancor. His directions say he eats nude young women for "snacks" and "finds them tasty." The mother felt this was not an appropriate toy for her young son. The station aired a graphic of the woman on the display and "altered" it so it would not be offensive to viewers. They contacted the manufacture, Tiger Electronics, and their response was,they were just being true to the Star Wars character.
We certainly understand how a mother could find this offensive. But if mothers find this offensive, we have seen a lot of instruction sheets they better not read. We (Polson Enterprises) do offer design services in the develpment of unoffensive, easily read, understandable English text for virtual pet instructions sheets, brochures, and packaging along with verifying the pet design itself will not cause problems like this one.
Sabrina's Cat "Salem" |
Babe |
Rancor |
Yoda |
R2D2 |
This page was constructed 17 January 1998
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