Rakuraku Dinokun
Dinky Dino |

The Kaneohe's Dinky Dino Page provides an excellent set of English instructions and details the operation of this pet. Some of the more unique properties are described below (borrowed from Kaneohe's page).
The LCD screen is the living place of Dinkie Dino.
Press the Left / Right keys to light up the icons around the outsides of the screen.
These icons represent all the different activities that allow you to interact with Dinkie Dino.
Dinkie Dino needs your special care to grow up healthily and you have to figure out what it needs at different times. Use the Left / Right keys to move to the activity you want and press enter.
- Give a drink to Dinkie Dino.
- Feed a choice of foods to Dinkie Dino. Press Left / Right key to choose between hamburger, chicken, apple, carrot, rice, or noodles. You will find that the kind of food Dinkie Dino takes will directly affect its own life form.
- Turn the light on / off. Remember to switch off the light when Dinkie Dino goes to bed.
- discipline Dinkie Dino when it gets angry.
- Dinkie Dino will play "jan-ken-po" - or "paper-scissors-stone".
Choose your selection by pressing the Left / Right key. Paper (all fingers shown) beats stone (no fingers shown);
stone beats scissors (two fingers shown); scissors beats paper. The object is to let Dinkie Dino (black paw) win at
least three times out of the five games (note: a tie does not count as a win).
- Discipline Dinkie Dino by having it study
- When Dinkie Dino gets dirty (body turns dark) you must give it a shower. If not, Dinkie Dino will be unhappy and get sick easily.
- The optimum temperature to Dinkie Dino is 25 degrees Celsius. Too cold or too hot will make it uncomfortable and get sick easily. When Dinkie Dino feels cold, it shivers, and when it feels hot, you will see its angry face. Try to keep the optimum temperature by turning on / off the air-conditioner and let it have a nice environment.
- Dinkie Dino will get sick sometimes. Select this activity to give it a medical injection. If it is not sick, it will refuse to take this.
- Check on your pet’s progress. Use the Left / Right keys to display screens showing Dinkie Dino’s current age, weight, hunger, thirst, temperature, happiness, and discipline. You can determine what Dinkie Dino needs from these statistics, and take care of it right a way.
When Dinkie Dino needs something, it will alarm you by beep sounds. You should then check what it wants.
The game is over when Dinkie Dino dies. It can die from old age or bad health if you do not take good care of it.
Batteries: two AG13 button cell batteries.