Tako Seijin/
Virtual Baby Alien |

Tako Seijin is a baby alien whom some may now think comes from Mars. He can become a variety of life forms depending upon the food you feed him and how well you take care of him. The packaging is very colorful.

Tako Seijin needs care to grow up healthy, and you have to figure out what it needs at different times. Use the
Left/Right keys to move to the activity you want, and press ENTER.
Activities include:
- Drink
- Food - eats from a battery, sun energy, or other types of food. What you feed him determines his life form.
- Light
- Discipline
- Play - a finger guessing game
- Study, Shower - when his body turns dark
- Air conditioning - he likes 25 degrees C. To hot or cold and he gets sick. He shivers when cold and gets angry when hot.
- Medicine - give Tako an injection when sick
- Report - learn the status of your pet. Age, weight, hunger,thirst,temperature,happiness, and discipline are reported so you can make the best choices in caring for your pet.
This page was created 18 July 1997

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