Virtual Pet Information Center

Everything About Virtual Pets


Virtual pet industry developments are covered, we present and encourage research into the history, benefits and uses of virtual pets. We also evaluate virtual pet products and identify trends in the industry. Some areas of our site appeal to children, other areas appeal to industry professionals. We cover keychain virtual pets, robotic virtual pets, plush virtual pets, collectable card virtual pets, online virtual pets, wireless / cell phone virtual pets, CD rom virtual pets, online virtual pets and even more formats. They are ALL here. Virtual Pet Home Page is a Polson Enterprises web site.

Virtual Pets and Online Virtual Pets to Adopt / Download

Recent Industry News:

Be sure to visit our:

Virtual Pet Farm
photos and descriptions of hundreds of virtual pets.

Robot Dogs Page

Linking Pets Page

Frequently Asked

& Online Virtual Pets

Virtual Pet
Design Consulting

Virtual Pet News


Bibliography of
Virtual Pet Research

Future of the Industry

Talk to Us!

Please DO NOT write us about where to purchase a virtual pet, how much they cost, or how to download one. Please read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Box above for answers to these and other common questions. If your question is not there, please write us and we will happily respond.

Visit our
Virtual Pet Store


Yu-Gi-Oh Portal

Virtual pet design & consulting services


All data on this web site is provided as a free service. Under no conditions does it constitute professional advice.

No representations are made as to the completeness, accuracy, comprehensiveness or otherwise of the data and information provided. In no event shall Polson Enterprises, Gary Polson, Lora Polson, or other related persons accept any liability in connection with the use of the data from this Web Site.


Many documents on this web site were originally created and copyrighted by others. They are reproduced here for educational purposes.

The format and remaining content of this web site is © 1997 - 2014 by Polson Enterprises. All rights reserved.