Virtual Pets & Pet Games

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Online Virtual Pet Games, Download Virtual Pets, Free Virtual Pets, Adopt a Virtual Pet

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Virtual Pets Software Programs downloads

This download category used to have a lot of pets in it, but most have since gone online. It is refreshing to see some new entries here. They can be played without tying up your phone line.

MacIntosh Virtual Pets

Palm Pilot Pets

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Pages by Others About Virtual Pets and Related Interactive Toys

Virtual Pet Cemeteries
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Virtual Pet Social Research

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Virtual Pet Newsgroups

Note - some of these groups are not monitored and the language or topics may not be fit for children at times. (Maybe not fit for adults either). You can usually tell by the message's subject line, if it is "fit to read" or not.

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Virtual Pet Manufacturers

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Virtual Pet Technical Research

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Polson Enterprises

We have been covering the virtual pet industry since mid 1996. Some of our coverage is child oriented, while other areas range from entertaining to instructional to very technical. We also provide technical and market research assistance to firms developing virtual pets in all formats and frequently assist the media in covering the virtual pet industry.

A few other examples of our work are:

The Sun Never Sets on Virtual Pets
Polson Enterprises

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Virtual Pet Sites No Longer Online and related sites NO Longer Available

We moved the List of Virtual Pet Sites and Related sites No Longer Online to its own page in August 2005. It provides nice list of many virtual pets no longer available online along with their original URLs. and the approximate dates they were removed from service. Sometimes we list a few recent removals below that have not yet been moved to that page.

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