Did You Know? The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
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Archive for the 'People' Category

A 30 August 2007 Wall Street Journal article titled, “Is This Man Cheating on His Wife” discusses the real life challenges of a 53 year old man and his wife resulting from his actions in Second Life.  There (in Second Life) he has a wife, owns a mall, strip club, a dance club, and a […]

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Life Size Pix

25kids.com prints life size pictures of you, your kids, your pets, etc for sticking on your front lawn. I saw them this morning on one of the national news shows. They are printed in color on a plastic substrate to make them weatherproof. The company claims they will hold their colors outside for years. The […]

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The ability to speak (voice) is now part of the main Second Life viewer per “The Second Life Voice Viewer is Live!” a 2 August 2007 post in the Second Life Blog. 45,000 plus viewers have downloaded and tested it. Voice is an optional feature and is turned off by default. It is available everywhere, […]

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The opportunity to save real souls by saving their virtual souls first is being recognized by an academic with ties to the Catholic Church. A 27 July 2007 Reuters report in Red Herring titled, Spreading the Gospel in Second Life. La Civilta Cattolica, a Jesuit journal published from Rome recently carried a message from Antonio […]

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You can date 8 different partners of the opposite sex, each with their own personality ranging from mild to wild. You keep your partner happy by buying them gifts, giving them compliments, taking them out on dates, and doing things with them. If you want to dump them, give them bad presents and insult them. […]

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Frepar Networks in Japan will be releasing an interactive 3D display called a “POD” in which a virtual person can “read” newsfeeds and other content to the user. You can actually engage in a discussion with the character using the SAMURAIPHONE. Plus the virtual person responds to touch and you can even blow on them […]

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Human Player & Cube World from Bandai

While some are pushing virtual pets toward the “Uncanny Valley” where they seem so real they become eirie and people back away from them, Bandai took the opposite tack with its Cube World released in late 2005. Little stick people repesented by only a few pixels live, work and play in each cube. Once connected […]

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Launched with a press release back on 26 April 2007, Mattel’s Barbie Girls is taking the world by storm. Girls can create their own character, design a room, shop, play games, listen to music and communicate with other girls. Although Barbie is facing tough competition from Bratz in the stores, she’s winning strong online. In […]

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On 4 April 2007, David de Rothschild of Adventure Ecology, a London based environmental group, and a National Geographic Society emerging explorer, in coordination with several other territory owners raised water levels in Second Life to simulate global warming. Ogilvy, a London ad agency, and Anshe Chung, the largest real estate developer in Second Life, […]

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The Telegraph, a United Kingdom daily paper, reports on deviant behaviors surfacing in Second Life and other virtual communities, in its 2 June 2007 article, Trouble in Online Paradise . Problems include players posing as minors to sell virtual sex, gather in virtual riots, virtually assault one another, human avatars having sex with virtual animals, […]

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